HF/6M Antenna Tuner Preselector and Antenna Switcher

- Frequency range: 2Mc...52Mc, 180m band depending on the mismatch of the antenna used and/or maximum inductance. Experimenting with the coils can be desirable
post 26 Dec 2024
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
Automatic Tuner Project
The automatic antenna tuner described here is the first part of automating my station so I can run it remotely
Automatic Tuner-Transceiver Interface
This Autoamtic Tuner-Transceiver Interface (ATTI), based on my own firmware and a PIC16F876 processor, is used to control a connected transceiver when the Tune
Automatic Z-Match Antenna Tuner Project
AT-3K only has a switch position for balance line BAL to feed to an external balun
Accordatore d'antenna QRP per i 20m
Se il led si accende, significa che ci sono onde stazionarie, se il led e' spento vuol dire che esse sono molto basse
Accordatore di Antenna Tuner
La configurazione a T offre un range di impedenza piu' elevata, e permette di accordare quasi tutte le antenne
Automatic Tuner Project
The automatic antenna tuner described here is the first part of automating my station so I can run it remotely
Automatic Tuner-Transceiver Interface
This Autoamtic Tuner-Transceiver Interface (ATTI), based on my own firmware and a PIC16F876 processor, is used to control a connected transceiver when the Tune
Automatic Z-Match Antenna Tuner Project
AT-3K only has a switch position for balance line BAL to feed to an external balun
Accordatore d'antenna QRP per i 20m
Se il led si accende, significa che ci sono onde stazionarie, se il led e' spento vuol dire che esse sono molto basse
Accordatore di Antenna Tuner
La configurazione a T offre un range di impedenza piu' elevata, e permette di accordare quasi tutte le antenne