
A Stealthy HF Coat Hanger Antenna

No this is not about some cute antenna that's about the size of an oatmeal box and runs at 100% efficiency from 160 all the way up to 10
post 05 Dec 2024

Antenna 160 meter Links


EH per i 160 metri
Antenna EH per 160 metri,diametro tubo 400mm materiale del tubo PVC

Getting on 160 Meters
It's true, a full sized, half wave dipole for 160 meters is rather big around 250 feet long

Inverted-L for 80m & 160m
On 160m good performances, I could only test this in SSB, despite the fact that topband is a CW band! Noise level S7 about BW 2,2 kHz. Worked several stations in USA and S. America Brazil, Nicaragua with 800w PEP. Bandwidth for SWR 1.5:1 is 20 kHz, for 2:1 30 kHz, for 3:1 is 50 kHz

Lifted antennas kite for amateur Radio 160 Meters
The foul weather vertical is working against about a kilometre of wire under the ground. Radials, about 60 of them, vary in length from 45 to 120 feet


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62


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