
160m 80m_broadband_antenna

Impedance is much lower than 200 ohms. One way to cause the 160 and 80 meter impedances to be about the same is to form the antenna into a right angle as shown below. The 4:1 balun feedpoint is 35 feet from the end

160m 80m_broadband_antenna

Antenna 160 meter Links


160m End Fed Antenna
The antenna is sported by a 22ft 6.7m central support and a 12ft 3.66 end support

Loaded Dipole for 160 Meter
Total Length 26 m 85 ft. Total Weight: 380 g Mesh constructed with enamelled wire 0.5 mm diameter Mesh-size 4 m x 2 m 13 x 6.5 ft

Morgain 160mt
The total length of each of the radiator halves is about 60 m. They are folded three times, as shown schematically

Inverted Ls and Vs Slopers Linear Loaded

Antenna splitter per VHF-UHF per quattro ricevitori

Antenna splitter per VHF-UHF per quattro ricevitori Chi dispone di una sola antenna e vuole collegarvi più di un ricevitore necessità di uno splitter

Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

50MHz to 28MHz RX Converter

50MHz to 28MHz RX Converter The concept of the rx converter is quite simple and nothing really new. the local oscillator is a standard colpitts crystal oscillator producing the 22mhz lo signal