
160 meter vertical antenna's base loading

The following pictures show what my 160M vertical antenna base loading and matching coil assembly looks like. Yes, I managed to shoot a line up over one of my HUGE about 135 feet tall trees. Then I pulled up about 125 feet of wire for the antenna itself.
post 05 Dec 2024
160 meter vertical antenna's base loading

Antenna 160 meter Links


A portable vertical antenna for 160m
Having had some success with short 8ft long mobile aerials for ground-wave contacts on 160m, I was intrigued by the idea of making something a little larger for portable use

1.8mhz only 40 meters
Antenna a L invertita per i 160 metri caricata con una bobina in cima al tratto verticale

Tuner for 160 meter
Tuner for antenna 160 meter

160m Vertical 18m long spiderpole
Although this antenna is short for the 160m band, with its top-hat loading it is still very efficient

The inverted L antenna
The dimensions of the antenna are clear from the drawing. With this size, the antenna resonated at 1850kHz. Using a 12.5 meter telescope, the radiator impedance will be around 12 ohms, but the overall impedance will also complete the earth's impedance. If only 2 or 3 radials are used on the ground, the antenna can be powered directly by a 50 ohm coaxial cable


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