Microfono Yaesu MH-31 Electret

Utilizzando l'MH-31 su radio che non posseggono un processore Yaesu FT-817
post 27 Jun 2024
Microphone Setting Links →
Microphne connections
During the past eleven years many hours have been spent drawing diagrams producing photographs, compiling these lists and cross
MH-31 installation and other portable microphones
I have described the function of an HF clipper on my website and here I go into some special features of the HF clipper for the FT-817
Microphone boom headset for the FT-897
Whilst experimenting with various microphones for use with the FT-897, I realised that a boom headset would be a useful accessory
Microfono ad alto guadagno
Guadagno = 40 V/V 32dB,Frequenza centrale = 3500 Hz,Banda passante = 1500 Hz,Numero di poli = 2
DB37-FT-2000 Cable
can be used with the following microHAM interfaces
During the past eleven years many hours have been spent drawing diagrams producing photographs, compiling these lists and cross
I have described the function of an HF clipper on my website and here I go into some special features of the HF clipper for the FT-817
Whilst experimenting with various microphones for use with the FT-897, I realised that a boom headset would be a useful accessory
Guadagno = 40 V/V 32dB,Frequenza centrale = 3500 Hz,Banda passante = 1500 Hz,Numero di poli = 2
can be used with the following microHAM interfaces