
Conical Monopole Antenna

Conical Monopole Antenna
Antenna verticale alimentata alla base che ha un diagramma omnidirezionale ma un rendimento
post 04 Dec 2024

Antenna Vertical Links


Super facil antena VHF 1/4 ONDA
It's about making us an antenita type GP ground plane for the VHF band

Systeme d'antennes verticales en phase
Two vertical antennas lambda / 4 and placed at a distance equal to lambda / 2 are fed simultaneously by the same signal in emission. The signal is applied with a phase shift or 180 degrees

The 5 band pipe vertical
A simple, cheap and easy to build 26 feet long vertical antenna that works DX on 10 20 meters including warc bands

Un commutatore per sloper
I built this switch to switch some sloper for low bands without increasing the number of cossial cable descents

Short loaded vertical antenna portable
Diameter: 62 mm coil height 83 mm / Full height: 121 mm after cutting off a part I didn't need Coil turns: 28


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62

RF Inductance Calculator

RF Inductance Calculator Mean diameter of the air core coil, measured from conductor centre to conductor centre include the wire insulation thickness, if any

Voice Recorder

Voice Recorder Gestito dall'integrato in questione ed offre la possibilità di registrare più messaggi per una durata massima di un minuto con buona fedeltà di riproduzione