
Antenna Vertical Sloper 40/80m

Antenna Vertical Sloper 40/80m

Slope che vuole dire inclinato, indica un dipolo completo teso tra una sommità e il suolo, l'alimentazione è fatta nel punto più alto, ossia alla sommità del palo o traliccio

post 04 Dec 2024

Antenna Vertical Links


Home Brew 80/40 Meter Vertical Antenna
The total height of this antenna is 33 FT,the coils were make from 1/4 aluminum tubing

Installation 5BTV ground mounted with radials
This discussion serves to relate my experiences with quarter wave vertical antennas

Mono band antenna on 40 meters
The antenna itself is built with 4 sections of electrical conduit. 1 1/4, 1, 3/4 and 1/2 inch pipes were nested together to the right length and screwed together with stainless self drilling screws

Antenna splitter per VHF-UHF per quattro ricevitori

Antenna splitter per VHF-UHF per quattro ricevitori Chi dispone di una sola antenna e vuole collegarvi più di un ricevitore necessità di uno splitter

Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

50MHz to 28MHz RX Converter

50MHz to 28MHz RX Converter The concept of the rx converter is quite simple and nothing really new. the local oscillator is a standard colpitts crystal oscillator producing the 22mhz lo signal