80m full size 1/4 wave GP
The 18m glassfibre pole from Spiderbeam - see The antenna itself is composed of 12m of heavy flexible insulated copper wire 4mm/2 section + 7m of same but 2,5 mm/2 on the top
post 04 Dec 2024
Antenna Vertical Links →
Antenna verticale multibanda
Single conductor to be connected for all decametric bands excluding 80 meters
Field Day Vertical Antenna
The 1/4 wave vertical element is mounted above the bottom mast separated
Wide Band 40, 75, & 80 Meter Antenna
The 80m/40m antenna the thicker a dipole wire is relative to its length, the wider the bandwidth
Vertikalantenne fur 40 und 80m
Vertical multiband antenna for 40 and 80m. However, a groundplane requires a good radial network, otherwise it will not work well. I laid some fence mats and 10m long wires around the base
Single conductor to be connected for all decametric bands excluding 80 meters
The 1/4 wave vertical element is mounted above the bottom mast separated
The 80m/40m antenna the thicker a dipole wire is relative to its length, the wider the bandwidth
Vertical multiband antenna for 40 and 80m. However, a groundplane requires a good radial network, otherwise it will not work well. I laid some fence mats and 10m long wires around the base
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62