
A Portable Station for 30 Metres

A Portable Station for 30 Metres

I decided on the 30 metre kit, because 30m has less static in the summer months than 40m

post 03 Sep 2024

Projects_Homebrew Links


40 Meter Rotatable Dipole
It is an excellent all-around 40 meter antenna for those who don't have room for or can't afford a yagi

44/28 MHz Transverter
Sono stati sviluppati i relativi circuiti stampati utilizzando dove è possibile utilizzare componentistica di tipo SMD

6AQ5 CW Transmitter
How's this for no-frills hamming? This cute little 40 meter CW transmitter is nothing more than a 6AQ5 oscillator coupled to the antenna

6m Yagi-Uda Antenna Computer Simulation Design
I first saw such kinds of articles on Japanese CQ magazine or Japanese Ham journal No.65 in late 80's. I recognized that there was a trial of let's do the optimization of the antenna by using a computer

A 2 MHz Transverter Project
supply voltage 12 vdc +/-X @X ma, IF of 28 MHz for Tx and Rx

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


Radioassistance Radioassistance E Kenwood Dealer, vendita ricetrasmittenti, antenne, parti di ricambio, elettronica


SunCalc SunCalc - sunrise, sunset, shadow length, solar eclipse, sun position, sun phase, sun height, sun calculator, sun movement, map, sunlight phases, elevation, Photovoltaic