
6AQ5 CW Transmitter

6AQ5 CW Transmitter
    How's this for no-frills hamming? This cute little 40 meter CW transmitter is nothing more than a 6AQ5 oscillator coupled to the antenna. Power output is on the order of 6 Watt
post 30 Jan 2025

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Il m-counter, frequenzimetro programmabile col PIC16F84
Disporre di un lettore di frequenza facilmente applicabile ai vari QRP

Interfaccia per ricevitori Icom e Yaesu
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K2 + KSB2 + KPA100. Traducendo, l'RTX base 15W solo CW, 80m-10m piu' il modulo per SSB e il modulo amplificatore da 100W con il comando remoto RS232

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