Dual band antenna 40-80m
Antenna 40-80m, inverter "V" SWR results are quite good at 3.799
post 04 Dec 2024

Antenna Multibands Links →
Un double dipole 14-21 Mhz
Very simple to manufacture, it is cut for the bands 14 and 21 MHz.
W3DZZ Trap Dipole
The W3DZZ Trap Dipole, multibands antenna
Windom baluns for kilowatt range
Windom balun made with Amidon ferrite toroids
Limited space multi-bands antenna
Configured as a dipole, the ATX whips appeared not to be long enough.A loaded dipole is more efficient if the loading coil is closer to the top of the antenna
Antena Bigode de Gato
Very simple to manufacture, it is cut for the bands 14 and 21 MHz.
The W3DZZ Trap Dipole, multibands antenna
Windom balun made with Amidon ferrite toroids
Configured as a dipole, the ATX whips appeared not to be long enough.A loaded dipole is more efficient if the loading coil is closer to the top of the antenna

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