Carolina Windom antenna
Here is my home HF antenna. It is an off centre fed dipole, with 10 feet of vertical radiator. It needs no tuner on 40m, 20m and 10m
post 04 Dec 2024

Antenna Multibands Links →
Antenne rhombique
Directivite de cette antenne 20 a 90 suivant longueurs de fil utilise Le gain en puissance varie de 15 a 60, L'impedance de l'antenne varie de 650 a 700 ohms, Pres d'un tiers de l'energie est consomme par la resistance terminale de 800 ohms non selfique
Balun Toroide 1:1 per Morgain
La Morgain e' un'antenna a struttura elettrica simmetrica, con un valore d'impedenza di circa 50 ohm
Coaxial Traps for Multiband Antennas
The article is an analysis of an antenna trap where a coil is formed of a length of coax cable
Antenna PET Windom 10-80 m
Designed for this coverage we start with a 42/1 wavelength on the lowest band
NVIS antenna 80m-40m-30m band
Portable antenna for 80 m - 40 m - 30 m band. Radiant up to a radius of approx. 300 km. 100 watt CW max. - 50 ohms, coax balun
Directivite de cette antenne 20 a 90 suivant longueurs de fil utilise Le gain en puissance varie de 15 a 60, L'impedance de l'antenne varie de 650 a 700 ohms, Pres d'un tiers de l'energie est consomme par la resistance terminale de 800 ohms non selfique
La Morgain e' un'antenna a struttura elettrica simmetrica, con un valore d'impedenza di circa 50 ohm
The article is an analysis of an antenna trap where a coil is formed of a length of coax cable
Designed for this coverage we start with a 42/1 wavelength on the lowest band
Portable antenna for 80 m - 40 m - 30 m band. Radiant up to a radius of approx. 300 km. 100 watt CW max. - 50 ohms, coax balun

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map