Building short trap dipole
a QST article for a short 40, 80 and 160 meter trap dipole, I decided to pursue construction of this antenna, and bend the 160 meter end wire, if necessary to fit into the yard
post 04 Dec 2024

Antenna Multibands Links →
Windom Antenna
The peculiar aspect of the I7SWX windom is the balun,wound on a simple ferrite rod,instead of the commonly used toroid
Morgain per i 40 e gli 80 metri
This antenna has in its main characteristic, the fact that with only 20 mtof space occupied it works the 80 meters
The Homebrew Buddipole 17m/15m
I made the Buddistick first, then later made the Buddipole. Both are easy to make and work well
Doublet Antenna
The ATU design gives a reasonable 'Q' factor so you will have to tune it regularly. Eurotherm PID controllers and a stepper-motor can make a good auto-ATU
The Dipole antenna
The DIPOLE antenna, here some reference data, pointers and ideas that may help you
The peculiar aspect of the I7SWX windom is the balun,wound on a simple ferrite rod,instead of the commonly used toroid
This antenna has in its main characteristic, the fact that with only 20 mtof space occupied it works the 80 meters
I made the Buddistick first, then later made the Buddipole. Both are easy to make and work well
The ATU design gives a reasonable 'Q' factor so you will have to tune it regularly. Eurotherm PID controllers and a stepper-motor can make a good auto-ATU
The DIPOLE antenna, here some reference data, pointers and ideas that may help you

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map