Antenna multiband 10-20-40m
Bi-directional radiation perpendicular to the strands of the doublet Impedance from 50 to 75 ohms depending on the angle of the reverse V
post 04 Dec 2024
Antenna Multibands Links →
Antenne rhombique
Directivite de cette antenne 20 a 90 suivant longueurs de fil utilise Le gain en puissance varie de 15 a 60, L'impedance de l'antenne varie de 650 a 700 ohms, Pres d'un tiers de l'energie est consomme par la resistance terminale de 800 ohms non selfique
Balun Toroide 1:1 per Morgain
La Morgain e' un'antenna a struttura elettrica simmetrica, con un valore d'impedenza di circa 50 ohm
Coaxial Traps for Multiband Antennas
The article is an analysis of an antenna trap where a coil is formed of a length of coax cable
Antenna PET Windom 10-80 m
Designed for this coverage we start with a 42/1 wavelength on the lowest band
NVIS antenna 80m-40m-30m band
Portable antenna for 80 m - 40 m - 30 m band. Radiant up to a radius of approx. 300 km. 100 watt CW max. - 50 ohms, coax balun
Directivite de cette antenne 20 a 90 suivant longueurs de fil utilise Le gain en puissance varie de 15 a 60, L'impedance de l'antenne varie de 650 a 700 ohms, Pres d'un tiers de l'energie est consomme par la resistance terminale de 800 ohms non selfique
La Morgain e' un'antenna a struttura elettrica simmetrica, con un valore d'impedenza di circa 50 ohm
The article is an analysis of an antenna trap where a coil is formed of a length of coax cable
Designed for this coverage we start with a 42/1 wavelength on the lowest band
Portable antenna for 80 m - 40 m - 30 m band. Radiant up to a radius of approx. 300 km. 100 watt CW max. - 50 ohms, coax balun
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62