6m duplexer construction
Construction of a set of WB5WPA style 6 meter notch duplexer
post 06 Nov 2023

Antenna Duplex duplexer Links →
Antenna splitter for Broadcast and 144 MHz
The center frequency 91 MHz of the FM Broadcast cut-of is more then 40 db and on 145 MHz the attenuation is quasi 0 db
Antenna splitter per VHF-UHF per quattro ricevitori
Chi dispone di una sola antenna e vuole collegarvi più di un ricevitore necessita di uno splitter
Build a 2-Meter Duplexer repeater
Cavities, Diplexers, Duplexers, Theory, and More
Combiner and Splitters
The magic T combiner or splitter is a very useful device. It can provide equal voltages, equal current, or equal power to matched or unmatched loads
VHF-UHF Diplexer
Diplexer is a special filter circuit that seperates 2 different bands. It is different from Duplexer which seperates 2 frequencies on the same band
The center frequency 91 MHz of the FM Broadcast cut-of is more then 40 db and on 145 MHz the attenuation is quasi 0 db
Chi dispone di una sola antenna e vuole collegarvi più di un ricevitore necessita di uno splitter
Cavities, Diplexers, Duplexers, Theory, and More
The magic T combiner or splitter is a very useful device. It can provide equal voltages, equal current, or equal power to matched or unmatched loads
Diplexer is a special filter circuit that seperates 2 different bands. It is different from Duplexer which seperates 2 frequencies on the same band
About Rtty mode
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