Antenna splitter for Broadcast and 144 MHz

The center frequency 91 MHz of the FM Broadcast cut-of is more then 40 db and on 145 MHz the attenuation is quasi 0 db
post 21 Sep 2024
Antenna Duplex duplexer Links →
Six-Meter Heliax Duplexer/Repeater Project
Consists of discarded pieces of 1-5/8" Andrews Heliax that are cut to resonate at quarter wavelength of the notch frequency
The duplexer
This is a very nice project, especially for those Icom 706 that have an HF / 6m antenna connector as well as a VHF UHF connector
Duplexer per la banda 144/430 MHz
Lo stadio VHF e' un filtro di Chebishev Passa Basso a 5 elementi con un'attenuazione di circa 50dB/ottava al di fuori della banda passante
33 MHz diplexer
Ahead of the IF amplifier on the 2nd mixer's IF output is a circuit called a diplexer
Make yourself a Diplexer
Here's a simple way to do it automatically, with very low loss, and so you can transmit, listen or scan at will
Consists of discarded pieces of 1-5/8" Andrews Heliax that are cut to resonate at quarter wavelength of the notch frequency
This is a very nice project, especially for those Icom 706 that have an HF / 6m antenna connector as well as a VHF UHF connector
Lo stadio VHF e' un filtro di Chebishev Passa Basso a 5 elementi con un'attenuazione di circa 50dB/ottava al di fuori della banda passante
Ahead of the IF amplifier on the 2nd mixer's IF output is a circuit called a diplexer
Here's a simple way to do it automatically, with very low loss, and so you can transmit, listen or scan at will

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map