YAGI 5 elementi per 27.600 MHz
The gain is excellent, on average 8.30 dBd 10.45 dB Iso. The forward/rear A/R ratio exceeds 22.5 dB across the entire band. The R.O.S. it is less than 1.04 :1 between 27.4 and 27.8 MHz
post 04 Dec 2024
Antenna CB 27 MHz Links →
J-Antenne 27MHz
Stick the RG-58 cable into the middle of the feeder cable. Marked laterally for a better understanding
Long yagi 4 elements for 11mt
The antenna is a four elements Long Yagi, installed since last year at 12 meters above the ground
Loop antenna
Half Loop is certainly a familiar antenna to many people. Generally it is a square or a squared screen and most often it comes in the form of a QUAD antenna radiator
Magnetique 27-28 MHz
The critical piece on this type of antenna is always the variable tuning capacitor which is located at the hotspot of the antenna
Normal Mode Helix Antennas for HF Mobile, N2MH
The following table summarizes the data for the various coils I built. All resonant frequencies were measured with an MFJ-259
Stick the RG-58 cable into the middle of the feeder cable. Marked laterally for a better understanding
The antenna is a four elements Long Yagi, installed since last year at 12 meters above the ground
Half Loop is certainly a familiar antenna to many people. Generally it is a square or a squared screen and most often it comes in the form of a QUAD antenna radiator
The critical piece on this type of antenna is always the variable tuning capacitor which is located at the hotspot of the antenna
The following table summarizes the data for the various coils I built. All resonant frequencies were measured with an MFJ-259
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62