
HB9cw for 27 mhz

For 27.500 Mhz lambda=10.9091 m 1/2 lambda/100=5.5 cm
post 04 Dec 2024
HB9cw for 27 mhz

Antenna CB 27 MHz Links


11 Meter long wire27 mhz antenna
Radiator 215 cm frequency 27.205 MHZ

Dipolo rigido per 10 ed 11 mt
To be used for some outings in the mountains and therefore not bulky and easily transportable, the choice fell on a rigid dipole easy to make

Antena plano de tierra
The measurements of the antenna of the drawing are practical, the whip measures 2.75 mts the complete tube, with everything what goes into the insulation. And the four radials of 2.61m each

Introduction to SWR Testing of CB Antennas
SWR (measured with an SWR meter) shows you how well your coax, antenna mount, ground plane and antenna match the output capability of your CB radio

Double wire 27mhz Doublet
The values indicated are calculated for 27 MHz, the popular and authorized frequency

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