

Delta-Loop-is-a-triangular-antenna-with-1-Lambda,-then-the-size-is-300:-27,205-=-11.03-meters,-so-for-each-side-it-is-11.03-m:-3-=-3.68-meters Gamma-Match-Length-=-65-Cm,-3.-Gamma-Rod-Length-=-75-Cm,-4.-Jumper-length-from-Chassis-Connector-to-Gamma-Match-=-9-cm-using-3/8-inch-aluminum-tubing
post 04 Dec 2024

Antenna CB 27 MHz Links


Hf mobile 27 -28mhz
It is clear that a hidden car antenna has a lot of advantages - it cannot be stolen or broken, it does not deteriorate

Loop Magnetica per la 27MHz funziona da 23 MHz a 36 MHz
this isn't a traditional electric antenna, because the near field is almost magnetic

End Fed Portable Antenna
EFHW antenna in the photos for 11 meters, with a 64:1 unun

Neue 11m portable Loop, DL4KCJ
New oko loop the 10-11m band with 80 cm through or as quadratloop 4x4 8,82 cm and 5 eckloop 5x0,5m respectively pmax 100 w


Ferrite Shop Ferrite-shop on-line shop, cable clamps,toroids, cable cores, technic,ferrite material choice

Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

Pcs Electronics

Pcs Electronics RF power amplifiers-pallets archives-ABC of FM AM DAB+ DRM radio transmitters