Calculator Antenna quad
Calulator for quad 2 element quand for 27 MHz antenna
post 04 Dec 2024
Antenna CB 27 MHz Links →
3 element yagi for 11meter, I1WQR
Antenna with control swr system Harpin gamma match
Yagi due progetti per gli 11m
Yagi 4 elements for 27 MHz
Dipolo filare con balun per 27 mHz
dipole centering on channel 20 CB or 27.205 mHz and using a 4 mm copper braid, from the above mentioned formula we get 150 x 0.965 / 27.205 = 5.32 meters
Hentenna freq 27.500
Hentanna is that if it is mounted horizontally, the resulting RF field is vertically polarized and vice versa
Antenna Stealth Vertical Dipole
An antenna for the 11 meters in the attic
Antenna with control swr system Harpin gamma match
Yagi 4 elements for 27 MHz
dipole centering on channel 20 CB or 27.205 mHz and using a 4 mm copper braid, from the above mentioned formula we get 150 x 0.965 / 27.205 = 5.32 meters
Hentanna is that if it is mounted horizontally, the resulting RF field is vertically polarized and vice versa
An antenna for the 11 meters in the attic
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62