2 or 3 elements yagi 27 mhz
- The longst elememets is called a reflector,this side is often called the back of the antennaand although it does reflect the signal coming from the back of the antenna it also has a function in the gain
post 25 Dec 2024
Antenna CB 27 MHz Links →
Wega 27 multibanda, IZ1DFF
Antenna verticale per gli 11 metri, (Wega 27 ) utilizzando un BALUN 4:1,si puo' untilizzare per le bande amatoriali
Yagi 4 element 27mhz
The proposed model has a gain of 6.4 dBd at a 30-dB ratio at 27.550 MHz
Moxon HF antenna design calculator
Calculate Dimensions,wire diameter,in millimetres,frequency of operation,in MHz
The ProSkypper 11 meter
Skypper antenna for 11 meter power rating 1,5 kW
Antenna verticale per gli 11 metri, (Wega 27 ) utilizzando un BALUN 4:1,si puo' untilizzare per le bande amatoriali
The proposed model has a gain of 6.4 dBd at a 30-dB ratio at 27.550 MHz
Calculate Dimensions,wire diameter,in millimetres,frequency of operation,in MHz
Skypper antenna for 11 meter power rating 1,5 kW
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62