Antenna VHF Topfkrei
The construction is completely similar to that described for the Sperrtopf, with the only variant of the filler fixing
post 31 Mar 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
3 x 3/4 l 2 meter Vertical antenna
The antenna has 3 radiating elements. The phasor coil L1 and L2 functioned as phase shifters in order to maintain equal phase in all 3 radiating elements
5-Element-Yagi for das 2m-Band
Self-construction of a powerful 5-element Yagi for the 2m band with a novel adaptation technique
70cm mixed mode helix
The radiation pattern is optimised to peak toward the horizon, with a gradual reduction in gain towards the overhead sky
145 MHz 10 Eleman Yagi
The antenna has 3 radiating elements. The phasor coil L1 and L2 functioned as phase shifters in order to maintain equal phase in all 3 radiating elements
Self-construction of a powerful 5-element Yagi for the 2m band with a novel adaptation technique
The radiation pattern is optimised to peak toward the horizon, with a gradual reduction in gain towards the overhead sky

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map