Antenna system with four polarizations linear and circular
At VHF and UHF, hams utilize both linear and circular polarization linear polarization horizontal, vertical is used for normal direct ommunications
post 06 Oct 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
2 x 5 Element Yagi array for 144MHz
A 2 x 5 antenna may have similar basic gain to say a well made 10 element long yagi but with slightly different distribution of azimuth and altitude
A Halo 4 Stack for 70cm on the Cheap
Start by cutting a piece of copper tubing per the dimensions in the diagram above
A Yagi-Uda antenna for MURS and 2-meters
The yagi that I built was designed for the lower 3 MURS channels but was also to be usable on 2-meters
hentenna for 2 meters
hentenna for vhf 2 meters
A 2 x 5 antenna may have similar basic gain to say a well made 10 element long yagi but with slightly different distribution of azimuth and altitude
Start by cutting a piece of copper tubing per the dimensions in the diagram above
The yagi that I built was designed for the lower 3 MURS channels but was also to be usable on 2-meters
hentenna for vhf 2 meters