Antena yagi 5 0 7 elementos para VHF

This is a commercially manufactured antenna with a gain of 9 dB, for 5 elements and 11 dB of gain, for 7 elements
post 26 Sep 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
Antenna HB9CV for 435 Mhz
The HB9CV+3 is a fullfeeded directional antenna with 2 active plus 3 passive elements. One might call this array "HB9CV-Yagi". This adds about 3dBd over a pure HB9CV and eliminates the squint of the classical 2-element HB9CV
Antenna system with four polarizations linear and circular
At VHF and UHF, hams utilize both linear and circular polarization linear polarization horizontal, vertical is used for normal direct ommunications
Antenna yagi due elementi VHF
Radiatore piu' direttore perchè almeno in teoria mi da circa 5,5 db di guadagno e un rapporto fronteretro pari o superiori ai 15 db
The HB9CV+3 is a fullfeeded directional antenna with 2 active plus 3 passive elements. One might call this array "HB9CV-Yagi". This adds about 3dBd over a pure HB9CV and eliminates the squint of the classical 2-element HB9CV
At VHF and UHF, hams utilize both linear and circular polarization linear polarization horizontal, vertical is used for normal direct ommunications
Radiatore piu' direttore perchè almeno in teoria mi da circa 5,5 db di guadagno e un rapporto fronteretro pari o superiori ai 15 db