146MHz 5/8 Ground plane antenna

The reason for selecting the 5/8 wave ground plane is that for a simple single element antenna
post 10 Aug 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
Two Versions of stacked
The picture left shows shows the 4x5-Element-25-Ohm-Yagis with 2-m-boom and a stacking distance of 2,30 m. Two Yagis are connected together with Aircell-5 transformations lines
Yagi homemade for 2m
Here I would like to show how you can build a good Yagiantenne yourself relatively easily and cheaply
Yagi 6 elementi 144MHz portatile
L'antenna dovra' ovviamente essere leggera, facilmente montabile e smontabile
Yagi 6 elementi per i 144 - 145 MHz
La costruzione mi ha portato via alcune sere, lavorando un'ora o due per sera
Yagi vhf 9 element
All element are connect to the directly NOT isolated from the boom
The picture left shows shows the 4x5-Element-25-Ohm-Yagis with 2-m-boom and a stacking distance of 2,30 m. Two Yagis are connected together with Aircell-5 transformations lines
Here I would like to show how you can build a good Yagiantenne yourself relatively easily and cheaply
L'antenna dovra' ovviamente essere leggera, facilmente montabile e smontabile
La costruzione mi ha portato via alcune sere, lavorando un'ora o due per sera
All element are connect to the directly NOT isolated from the boom

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map