
HB9CV-Antenna for 2 m 6 m and 10 m

When compared to two-element antennas of conventional design, it can be assumed that the HB9CV gain of approximately 4.2 dBd 1 is about the same as that of classic beam / reflector and radiator / director combinations
post 27 Mar 2024
HB9CV-Antenna for 2 m 6 m and 10 m

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


Dual Band Half-Wave Flower Pot Antenna
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2 meter ssb yagi plans for sideband fun
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2 Meter Slim Jim Antenna
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Vhf and Uhf Flowerpot Antenna
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diy a 14-turn home-made helical antenna for 432/435mhz


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Kits and Components

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Pcs Electronics

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