Dual bander 70cm 144 MHz yagi
The final design balances performance and size.the element for both bands are interlaced and mounted in parallel,all dimensions are in iches Director Lenght are D1 37.5, D" 36.375, D3 36.0
Element Spacing DE to D1 12, D1 to D2 12, D2 to D3 12. Cumulative 12 24 36

Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
Triband Yagi for 6 m, 4 m and 2 m
Developed with the software EZNEC +5 and has only one feeding point of 50 Ω and a boomlength of 1,25 m
2M 144MHz yagis
Follow the instructions carefully to avoid making mistakes
VHF antenna construction
In making a folded dipole element I used a tube bender, apparently the bending jobs must be done once without failure
Vhf magnetic loop
A magnetic loop has very small bandwidth butunsensitive to man made noise
VHF/UHF Wideband Portable Dipole for the FT-817
A dipole has about 3dB gain over a quartre wave antenna, is why my preference went to a simple dipole
Developed with the software EZNEC +5 and has only one feeding point of 50 Ω and a boomlength of 1,25 m
Follow the instructions carefully to avoid making mistakes
In making a folded dipole element I used a tube bender, apparently the bending jobs must be done once without failure
A magnetic loop has very small bandwidth butunsensitive to man made noise
A dipole has about 3dB gain over a quartre wave antenna, is why my preference went to a simple dipole

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map