2M 144 Mhz yagis

- Follow the instructions carefully to avoid making mistakes
post 26 Dec 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
23cm double bi quad antenna
It's fed with a short length of RG-223 co-ax, fitted with a balun sleeve made from the braiding off some UR67
2 meter VHF Antennas 7 elements and 10
2 meter VHF Antennas 7 elements and 10
2 Meter 5 Element Quad
I used EZNEC to model this antenna. I got the boom from a large UHF TV antenna that was 70 long
12 element zl speciale
It's fed with a short length of RG-223 co-ax, fitted with a balun sleeve made from the braiding off some UR67
2 meter VHF Antennas 7 elements and 10
I used EZNEC to model this antenna. I got the boom from a large UHF TV antenna that was 70 long