
Dipolo verticale bibanda 144/430

Dipolo verticale bibanda 144/430 MHz un semplice, economico ed efficiente dipolo verticale da finestra
post 28 May 2024
Dipolo verticale bibanda 144/430

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


2 Meter Array
Here is a little project that I can recommend to anyone looking for a small vertical phased array

2 meter 146MHz 5/8 Ground plane antenna
The reason for selecting the 5λ/8 wave ground plane is that for a simple single element antenna it appeared to have increased capture aperture when compared to the standard λ/4 wave length ground plane antenna and has a relatively low angles of radiation in comparison with other similar antennas

2 meter dipole antenna
The reason for selecting the 5/8 wave ground plane is that for a simple single element antenna it appeared to have increased capture aperture when compared to the standard 1/4

2 Meter RDF dipoles
Is a functional prototype of a upcoming Byonics product in our T-Hunting / RDF product line

Antenna splitter per VHF-UHF per quattro ricevitori

Antenna splitter per VHF-UHF per quattro ricevitori Chi dispone di una sola antenna e vuole collegarvi più di un ricevitore necessità di uno splitter

Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

50MHz to 28MHz RX Converter

50MHz to 28MHz RX Converter The concept of the rx converter is quite simple and nothing really new. the local oscillator is a standard colpitts crystal oscillator producing the 22mhz lo signal