Antenna a persiana 144MHz
Antenna adatta per VHF ed UHF che puo' essere messa in servizio in meno di cinque minuti, adatta per uno uso immediato o durante le vacanze
post 29 Mar 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
Antenne Discone
Omnidirectional, vertically polarized and with gain similar to a dipole, it is exceptionally wideband, offering a frequency range ratio of up to approximately 10:1.
Build your yagi antenna 30 MHZ a 900 MHZ
This antenna is very adapted at VHF and UHF domain inside 30 MHZ to 900 MHZ
Dual bander handy yagi
The final design balances performance and size,the elements for both bands are interlaced and mounted in parallel
Design of matching transformers for 3 stacked Yagi antennas
3 vertically stacked antennas often represents a good compromise between increased antenna gain, mechanical feasibility and satisfactory handling
Portable Antenna Covers 6m-10m-11m-12m-15m-17m-20m
Mobile, Portable, Base station, Marine, EMCOMM, MARS/CAP, ARES, SATERN, RACES, First Responders, Emergency Preparedness, Skywarn, Military
Omnidirectional, vertically polarized and with gain similar to a dipole, it is exceptionally wideband, offering a frequency range ratio of up to approximately 10:1.
This antenna is very adapted at VHF and UHF domain inside 30 MHZ to 900 MHZ
The final design balances performance and size,the elements for both bands are interlaced and mounted in parallel
3 vertically stacked antennas often represents a good compromise between increased antenna gain, mechanical feasibility and satisfactory handling
Mobile, Portable, Base station, Marine, EMCOMM, MARS/CAP, ARES, SATERN, RACES, First Responders, Emergency Preparedness, Skywarn, Military