
A 2-Meter Phased-Array Antenna

A 2-Meter Phased-Array Antenna

A small vertical phased array that can easily be built and cost is minimal

post 24 Aug 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


5 element ZL special for 2m band
A five element beam antenna. Two folded dipoles are spaced a quaterwave apart and fed a quarter wave out of phase using a twisted quarter wave feed line. This results in the waves adding in one direction

Band 144 MHz end 435 splitter antenna
The band splitter is just a 250 MHz High Pass Filter and a 250 MHz Low Pass Filter connected together

Bibanda per i 144 Mhz e i 430Mhz del tipo LOG PERIODIC
Antenna bibanda per i 144 Mhz e i 430Mhz del tipo Log periodic a 4 elementi

Build a 2 Meter, 5/4 Wave Antenna By Mike Martell
This antenna is unique in that it is enclosed entirely in 3/4'' PVC which makes the design a little more complicated. The primary problem is that PVC tubing has a significant velocity factor which causes RF


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