Band Splitter for Arrow Antenna

The band splitter is just a 250 MHz High Pass Filter and a 250 MHz Low Pass Filter connected together
post 10 Nov 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
Building a 440mhz quagi antenna
The Quagi requires neither fine tuning nor careful handling
Las antenas Moxon
Regarding the polarization of this antenna, what is said for the Turnstile is valid, since the circular polarization is obtained in the same way,the impedance adaptation is also similar
Lowcost yagi antenna for PMR446, easy to build
PMR446 stands for Personal Mobile Radio and is a license free radio in the 446 MHz UHF band. That is about 6 Mhz above the 70cm amateur radio band
Small Wideband Yagi
This small Yagi has 5.2 – 7.2 dBd forward gain with all backlobes more than 20 dB down across the FM broadcast band
Jpole for 440 mhz
The Quagi requires neither fine tuning nor careful handling
Regarding the polarization of this antenna, what is said for the Turnstile is valid, since the circular polarization is obtained in the same way,the impedance adaptation is also similar
PMR446 stands for Personal Mobile Radio and is a license free radio in the 446 MHz UHF band. That is about 6 Mhz above the 70cm amateur radio band
This small Yagi has 5.2 – 7.2 dBd forward gain with all backlobes more than 20 dB down across the FM broadcast band