
Calculation dipole Inverted

Over level ground, the minimum height for the apex feedpoint of an Inverted Vee is determined by the angle downward slope
post 05 Dec 2024
Calculation dipole Inverted

Antenna Calculator Links


2.4GHz Cantenna Calculator
By entering the height and width of your loop 36 or 48 inches each if building as per above and the number of turns and distance between turns

5/8 wave antennas vertical
The 5/8 wave antenna consists of a vertical radiator which is fed at the base of the antenna

Am Loop Antenna Calculator UMR EMC Lab Formula
By entering the height and width of your loop 36 or 48 inches each if building as per above

A wireless link calculator
Parameters: Power, Rx Sensitivity, Gain, Lenght, Type, Distance, Frequency


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