Build a 12/17 Meter Trap Dipole
Build a 12/17 meter trap dipole, includes building your own high voltage capacitors
post 01 Feb 2024
Antennas for 17 meters Links →
Rotary dipole 12 and 17 meters
To complete the trap have a look at any text concerning wire antennas and then mount the traps, so made, at the ends of the dipole already tuned on 24 Mhz
The L7 HamLoop antenna for 17 meters
an antenna for 17 meters using 18.1375 as the center frequency. By changing the frequency and wire size, the software calculates the measurements
The Lowly Quad for 17 meters
it is far better that the two element wire beam . I don't need the linear into Europe very much depending on propagation, my reverse beacon reports are great
The Dualband-Moxon-Beam for 17 m and 20 m
The antenna is fed with 50 Ohm coax in the middle part of the 17 m radiator wire 10. The 20 m radiator wire 2 is connected with a transmission line. This transmission line is made of 75 Ohm foam coax V=0,82
Dipolo rottativo 17-12-6-modulare
Questo dipolo rotativo, nella versione base, realizza di fatto piu' antenne in una, lo abbiamo definito modulare in quanto e' facilmente espandibile con degli appositi kit
To complete the trap have a look at any text concerning wire antennas and then mount the traps, so made, at the ends of the dipole already tuned on 24 Mhz
an antenna for 17 meters using 18.1375 as the center frequency. By changing the frequency and wire size, the software calculates the measurements
it is far better that the two element wire beam . I don't need the linear into Europe very much depending on propagation, my reverse beacon reports are great
The antenna is fed with 50 Ohm coax in the middle part of the 17 m radiator wire 10. The 20 m radiator wire 2 is connected with a transmission line. This transmission line is made of 75 Ohm foam coax V=0,82
Questo dipolo rotativo, nella versione base, realizza di fatto piu' antenne in una, lo abbiamo definito modulare in quanto e' facilmente espandibile con degli appositi kit
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62