
Rotary Dipole 12-17 m

To complete the trap have a look at any text concerning wire antennas and then mount the traps, so made, at the ends of the dipole already tuned on 24 Mhz
post 31 Mar 2024
Rotary Dipole 12-17 m

Antennas for 17 meters Links


17 Meter Wire Antennas
12m e' un normale dipolo, sui 17m funziona come un dipolo caricato

Build a 17 Meter Reduced Size Coaxial Moxon Retangle
A standard Moxon rectangle designed for 17 meters would be about 19 3/4 feet wide, the same Moxon retangle is reduced to about 11 feet wide

the dual band wire Beam Moxon with Fiberglass tubing spreaders, Flexweave elements 12/17 m Moxon with one 50 ohm feed

Delta Loop 17m
L'apertura dell'angolo tra le due canne e' di-60° in quanto inizialmente prevedevo di realizzare un triangolo equilatero

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


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