18 MHz 3element Beam
Its a 28 Ohm version on a 5m boom with 5.7
post 27 Mar 2024
Antennas for 17 meters Links →
17 Meter Wire Antennas
12m e' un normale dipolo, sui 17m funziona come un dipolo caricato
Build a 17 Meter Reduced Size Coaxial Moxon Retangle
A standard Moxon rectangle designed for 17 meters would be about 19 3/4 feet wide, the same Moxon retangle is reduced to about 11 feet wide
Builda 12/17 Meter Trap Dipole
Build a for 12 - 17 meter Dipole rotatable with traps
the dual band wire Beam Moxon with Fiberglass tubing spreaders, Flexweave elements 12/17 m Moxon with one 50 ohm feed
18 MHz 3element Beam
Its a 28 Ohm version on a 5m boom with 5.7
12m e' un normale dipolo, sui 17m funziona come un dipolo caricato
A standard Moxon rectangle designed for 17 meters would be about 19 3/4 feet wide, the same Moxon retangle is reduced to about 11 feet wide
Build a for 12 - 17 meter Dipole rotatable with traps
the dual band wire Beam Moxon with Fiberglass tubing spreaders, Flexweave elements 12/17 m Moxon with one 50 ohm feed
Its a 28 Ohm version on a 5m boom with 5.7