
J Pole Antenna 17-15-12-10 Meters

A J Pole antenna and the lengths, spacings, and other details to build one for the 17, 15, 12, - 10 meter bands
post 25 Jan 2024
J Pole Antenna 17-15-12-10 Meters

Antenna 24 mhz 12 meters Links


Moxon Rectangles for 17-20 Meter
Add a matching network to match that to 50 ohms, add some relays to switch between 17m and 20m

Multiband Cubical Quads 10-12-15-17-20 meters
It covers six bands, 20m-10m on HF, and also 6m

J Pole Antenna 17, 15, 12, - 10 m.
A J Pole antenna and the lengths, spacings, and other details to build one for the 17, 15, 12, or 10 meter bands

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