
Optimized 10 element UHF Yagi Antenna

The antenna can also be tuned between approx. 428...446MHz by adjusting the driver
post 05 Dec 2024
Optimized 10 element UHF Yagi Antenna

Antenna 6 meter Links


Delta loop 50 MHz
Un ros di 1,2 da 50.000 a 50.200 al primo colpo, comunque una taratura e' possibile agendo sul perimetro del loop

Delta Loop 50 Mhz
Is a 6.2m of flexible wire, 1.1m of 75_Ohm coax, some electrical connector blocks and a length of rope to hang it from

Delta Loop per 50 Mhz
Stabilire la frequenza di lavoro della nostra delta loop,vale a dire il centro banda

Easy to build Deltaloop fur 50MHz
In this setup you have a horisontal polarisation, the total length of the wire is 6,10 meters

DDRR antenna for 6M


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62


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