Antenna FM-birds, AO-27 on 70cm

To save weight the boom of the antenna consists of isolating plastic tube used for installing powerlines inside the house
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna 6 meter Links →
Delta loop de 5 elementos para 50mhz
Use its impedance adapter, the adjustment has no problem and the ROE is usually 1: 1.1 out of 50.100 which is the center of the band
Delta Loop 3 elementi 50 MHZ
Viene elimentata direttamente da cavo coassiale a 50 OHm
Dipolo per i 50MHz
Dipolo ripiegato realizzato con del cavo coassiale a 50 Ohm
Direttive HB9CV per Band 50Mhz
The mechanical construction is a little bit difficult for the phasing lines and you need a compensation-C for tuning the SWR
Use its impedance adapter, the adjustment has no problem and the ROE is usually 1: 1.1 out of 50.100 which is the center of the band
Viene elimentata direttamente da cavo coassiale a 50 OHm
Dipolo ripiegato realizzato con del cavo coassiale a 50 Ohm
The mechanical construction is a little bit difficult for the phasing lines and you need a compensation-C for tuning the SWR