
6 meter SLOOP

6 meter SLOOP

Omni-directional, and horizontally polarized. Copper is the best possible electrical conductor at normal temperatures, next to silver

post 05 Dec 2024

Antenna 6 meter Links


The Six Meter OCF Sleeve Dipole Vertical
The dimensions could easily be adjusted to cover the 52 to 54 MHz part of the band

Wimo 70 cm X-Quad
The X-Quad, an antenna for the 70 cm band manufactured by Wimo

Yagi 3 el. per i 50 MHz
Un'antenna Yagi, nella sua accezione piu' generale, e' un array multi-elemento

YAGI 7 Elem. 50 Mhz
A 2m square dipole, made from copper plumbing fittings and 1/2 inch copper water pipe


Ferrite Shop Ferrite-shop on-line shop, cable clamps,toroids, cable cores, technic,ferrite material choice

Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

Pcs Electronics

Pcs Electronics RF power amplifiers-pallets archives-ABC of FM AM DAB+ DRM radio transmitters