6 meter portable delta loop
The 6 meter loop is small enough to erect a form around it and I have done this with 1/2" electrical pvc schedule 40 pipe with dowel inserted inside for extra strength
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna 6 meter Links →
Yagi 6 elementi per 50,5 MHz
L'alimentazione avviene direttamente con coax 50 ohm fissato con 2 capicorda alle viti prossimali di fissaggio del dipolo al supporto isolante
Yagi 6 elementi per i 6 metri
Frequenza 50 MHz, Elementi 6, Guadagno 10,2 dBd / 12,34 dBi, Rapporto F/R 18,66 dB
4el. Hentenna for 50MHz
Hentenna has the gain 3dBd with the unit as consented. And it wins by 2dB compared with mere quad one element loop
50MHz 5 elements Yagi
I made for portable operation. This antenna is light weight 2kg
L'alimentazione avviene direttamente con coax 50 ohm fissato con 2 capicorda alle viti prossimali di fissaggio del dipolo al supporto isolante
Frequenza 50 MHz, Elementi 6, Guadagno 10,2 dBd / 12,34 dBi, Rapporto F/R 18,66 dB
Hentenna has the gain 3dBd with the unit as consented. And it wins by 2dB compared with mere quad one element loop
I made for portable operation. This antenna is light weight 2kg