Programs for balun
Baluns are very complicated with poor designs giving very poor results. If you have some knowledge, this program will assist you in designing rf transformers and antenna baluns and unun
post 11 Aug 2024
Toroid & balun Links →
Balun 1:4 UNBAL to BAL
if you want to use the balun in the QRPproject format, prepar e the enclosure and solder the UNBAL part as short as possible to the BNC connector
Original cushcraft balun
So the results I found on the Cushcraft balun are better than I expected, therefore I will use the balun like it is
Wind Your Own RF Matching/Isolation Transformer
It's the question I'm asked most often about broadband loop antennas such as the Delta, Flag, and SuperLoop Where can I find the matching transformer?
Conversion CB antenna balun for HF Antenna
The UNUN balun because no equilibrium is reached, I experimented with the base material FT 140-43 and obtained partially better resul
if you want to use the balun in the QRPproject format, prepar e the enclosure and solder the UNBAL part as short as possible to the BNC connector
So the results I found on the Cushcraft balun are better than I expected, therefore I will use the balun like it is
It's the question I'm asked most often about broadband loop antennas such as the Delta, Flag, and SuperLoop Where can I find the matching transformer?
The UNUN balun because no equilibrium is reached, I experimented with the base material FT 140-43 and obtained partially better resul
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62