Conversion of a CB antenna with balun
The UNUN balun because no equilibrium is reached, I experimented with the base material FT 140-43 and obtained partially better resul
post 15 May 2023
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Balun a larga banda da 160 metri a 6 metri
Un oggetto che non deve mancare nel nostro shack e soprattutto collegato alle antenne, deve essere il bal-un. Un bal-un serve a fare in modo che la corrente scorra in maniera perfettamente simmetrica in una antenna bilanciata e non torni sul coassiale di alimentazione
Balun 9:1 long wire
To complete my season, I needed an antenna for bands over 40 meters, that is 40, 80, and 160 meters, but the useful space is a little tight, consulting several articles on the subject, I decided to build a balum of 9: 1 and stretch a wire LongWire in the space available
Balun A switchable 1:1 - 4:1 balun
I have been experimenting with an off center fed dipole for for field operation, and the antenna called for a 4:1 balun on most bands, and a 1:1 balun on 15 meters
Balun en courantby
When a coax feeds a symmetrical antenna, currents flow along the braid of the coax. This can cause TVI and distort the antenna radiation pattern.
Un oggetto che non deve mancare nel nostro shack e soprattutto collegato alle antenne, deve essere il bal-un. Un bal-un serve a fare in modo che la corrente scorra in maniera perfettamente simmetrica in una antenna bilanciata e non torni sul coassiale di alimentazione
To complete my season, I needed an antenna for bands over 40 meters, that is 40, 80, and 160 meters, but the useful space is a little tight, consulting several articles on the subject, I decided to build a balum of 9: 1 and stretch a wire LongWire in the space available
I have been experimenting with an off center fed dipole for for field operation, and the antenna called for a 4:1 balun on most bands, and a 1:1 balun on 15 meters
When a coax feeds a symmetrical antenna, currents flow along the braid of the coax. This can cause TVI and distort the antenna radiation pattern.
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