Balun 1:4 range to 3.5 29 MHz
Made from Amidon FT-114-43 core, 16 gauge speaker wire, and tie wraps
post 27 Jan 2024
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1:4 Guanella-Balun Current-Balun
The purpose of this article is to show how a 1:4 Guanella current balun changes an impedance level by a multiplier of four; for example, 50-ohm coax to a 200-ohm antenna
Constructing a 6:1 RF transformer
If it's using used a 50 Ohm coaxial transmission line, the main problem in constructing a 1:1 current balun using bifilar windings is that you have to get the impedance of the transmission line formed by the two parallel wires exactly correct
Balun & Chokes
I chose the LFB095051 ferrite tubes - sleeves with similar characteristics to the Mix31, therefore excellent for 80 and 160
9:1 Impedance Transformer
a 9:1 unbalanced to unbalanced UNUN impedance transformer, is to experiment with an Inverted V end fed antenna for 80 to 17m, I'm not aiming for transmission on 12 and 10m
The purpose of this article is to show how a 1:4 Guanella current balun changes an impedance level by a multiplier of four; for example, 50-ohm coax to a 200-ohm antenna
If it's using used a 50 Ohm coaxial transmission line, the main problem in constructing a 1:1 current balun using bifilar windings is that you have to get the impedance of the transmission line formed by the two parallel wires exactly correct
I chose the LFB095051 ferrite tubes - sleeves with similar characteristics to the Mix31, therefore excellent for 80 and 160
a 9:1 unbalanced to unbalanced UNUN impedance transformer, is to experiment with an Inverted V end fed antenna for 80 to 17m, I'm not aiming for transmission on 12 and 10m