
Current balun construction 1:1

Current balun construction 1:1

If it's using used a 50 Ohm coaxial transmission line, the main problem in constructing a 1:1 current balun using bifilar windings is that you have to get the impedance of the transmission line formed by the two parallel wires exactly correct

post 19 Nov 2024

Toroid & balun Links


6:1 Voltage Balun
Requiring a balun to feed a balanced antenna from an un-balanced load with a impedance step up from 50ohms to 300ohms, a 1:6

9:1 transformer
A balanced antenna from an un-balanced load with a impedance step up from 50ohms to 300ohms, a 1:6 Voltage balun design using two L15 ferrite toroid cores was selected

A 9:1 Balun For Your End Fed Antenna
unun transformer unbalanced to unbalanced. The raw End-Fed antenna will go through impedance swings as high as 5K Ohms,or more, at even multiples of its 1/4 wavelength design frequency


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