A simple broadband 4:1 Balun Transformer
10 bifilar turns are mount on an Amidon FT-240-61 ferrite core
post 16 May 2024
Toroid & balun Links →
Balun 1:64 for end fed, PD7MAA
Build a legal limit current balun for 160 - 10 metersWind two FT240-61 ferrite core
Misure di una ferrite sconosciuta, IW2FND
In practice, just wind a coil around the core of the ferrite and measure the inductance
Creating a balun, G0KSC
For 50Ohm direct feed antennas, just a 1:1 balanced to unbalance transformer is needed
Balun di tensione 1:32
Toroid FT140 / 43 0.9 enamelled wire for primary winding
Circuito balanceado a um circuito desbalanceado, PY4ZBZ
Examples of BALUN made with coaxial cable stubs
Build a legal limit current balun for 160 - 10 metersWind two FT240-61 ferrite core
In practice, just wind a coil around the core of the ferrite and measure the inductance
For 50Ohm direct feed antennas, just a 1:1 balanced to unbalance transformer is needed
Toroid FT140 / 43 0.9 enamelled wire for primary winding
Examples of BALUN made with coaxial cable stubs
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62