
Double Half Delta DHD

In teoria dovrebbe restituire un segnale basso ma con un buon rapporto S/N, pressappoco come una Beverage. L' antenna e' costituita da due triangoli di filo sospesi a un metro e mezzo da terra
post 05 Dec 2024
Double Half Delta DHD

Antenna Delta Loop Links


Inverted Dipole Delta Loop
For relays 160m 1 and 4 are energized, the antenna works as a folded dipole

L'Antenne Delta Loop
To calculate a Delta - Loop antenna the formula is relatively simple: we take the formula 1005 / F, here if we want the Delta Loop to be qrv any Band it must be calculated on the lowest frequency, we take as an example the 3,500 Khz

Antenne delta-loop 160, le 80, le 40 et le 30m
My delta measures 166m perimeter, has the shape of an isosceles triangle 2 identical sides are horizontal and is located at 18m from the ground, I use this antenna delta loop for my HF connections, and in particular for the 160s, 80s, 40 and 30 m

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


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Conrad Electronic

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