
70 MHz 4 metre Delta Loop

lthough I would only have FM on 70mHz I thought that making another horizontally polarised Delta Loop made sense for a number of reasons, first it was simpler to mount
post 05 Dec 2024
70 MHz 4 metre Delta Loop

Antenna Delta Loop Links


40 Meter Parasitic Delta Loop Array
On 40 meters, my experience is that you need at least 20 dB of F/B ratio in order to be able to turn down European broadcasters enough to be able to hear the west coast stations, especially the west coast stations with dipoles and 100 watts

Delta Loop per 50 Mhz
we will use the formula: L = 306.6 / F Mhz = 306.6 / 50.150 = 6.11 m. in practice we will have that each of the three sides will measure 2.04 m

Delta loop various configurations
The wave emitted by the vertical loopmay be polarized vertical or horizontaldepending on the feedpoint location vertical polarization is preferred when the antenna is low


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62

RF Inductance Calculator

RF Inductance Calculator Mean diameter of the air core coil, measured from conductor centre to conductor centre include the wire insulation thickness, if any

Voice Recorder

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