Antenne verticale monobande 7Mhz
post 04 Dec 2024

Antenna 40 Meter Links →
Homebrew buddipole Portable Antenna system
Portable Power line of products the PowerMini! It's a device which combines many features into one compact, lightweight package
Indoor antenna for 7 mhz
This small antenna can allow hams which lack space to install an antenna for 40 meters
Linear loaded dipole for 7 mhz
7 MHz a standard horizontal dipole requires approximately 66 feet of wire,and with center and end insulators, ap-proaches 68 feet between rope supports
Musings on the miracle whip design running 5 Watts QRP
On 15 metres a distance of about 700 miles for a 439 report, I gave him 559 in exchange. We were both running 5 Watts QRP
Portable Power line of products the PowerMini! It's a device which combines many features into one compact, lightweight package
This small antenna can allow hams which lack space to install an antenna for 40 meters
7 MHz a standard horizontal dipole requires approximately 66 feet of wire,and with center and end insulators, ap-proaches 68 feet between rope supports
On 15 metres a distance of about 700 miles for a 439 report, I gave him 559 in exchange. We were both running 5 Watts QRP