7 Mhz Verticale antenna
Install as many radials as you can around the base of the antenna, they can be anything from 1/8 wave or longer. All you need to do is to cut a slot in the lawn and push the radials down
post 04 Dec 2024

Antenna 40 Meter Links →
4 element 14 mhz yagi for 7 MHz
This article is about how to turn a CueDee 4-element monobander for 14 MHz into an efficient duo band for 7 and 14 MHz with some ingenious handles.
2 elementi Yagi per la banda 40
Mi son deciso di scrivere delle note tecniche e costruttive della 2 elementi Yagi per la banda 40 metri home made OB2-40
Linear Loaded 40m Dipole
Here is my dipole for 40m band. It is a simple linear loaded dipole feeded with 450-Ohm openwire feedline
40 meter Phased Array
Coaxial delay lines in his two-element phased array, and some users still use delay lines with good results
This article is about how to turn a CueDee 4-element monobander for 14 MHz into an efficient duo band for 7 and 14 MHz with some ingenious handles.
Mi son deciso di scrivere delle note tecniche e costruttive della 2 elementi Yagi per la banda 40 metri home made OB2-40
Here is my dipole for 40m band. It is a simple linear loaded dipole feeded with 450-Ohm openwire feedline
Coaxial delay lines in his two-element phased array, and some users still use delay lines with good results